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AACI develops accreditation standards for healthcare organizations, addressing key areas of organizational performance. Periodic revision of the standards, in reality, is an ongoing process. It is supported by current customers, patient groups, relevant surveyors, healthcare group leaders, sales staff, and any other relevant external experts. Additionally, the evolution of national and international standards, rules, regulation, and advisory body guidelines are updated and included.
Standards are developed, piloted, used, and refined for hospitals, outpatient specialist centers,
rehabilitation centers, wellness spas, and oral surgery clinics. An International Standard Advisory
Committee composed of experienced physicians and healthcare experts guides the development process and the need for new or revised standards. These standards are the basis of our accreditation services, providing a clear roadmap for healthcare staff and delivering confidence to all stakeholders, including patients, board members, insurers, and regulatory agencies.
Through years of healthcare facility evaluation, AACI has developed a standard which allows individual healthcare organizations to design processes that fit their scope of practice and community need. By doing so, we have promoted planning flexibility in the decisions made by Top Management. By allowing this methodology we have also discovered that "check-list" survey methods at best promote compliance.
Our standard on the other hand, assures compliance and promotes an environment of excellence driven by on-going monitoring, measuring, analysis, correction, and corrective action. Constantly improving processes and quality performance guarantees intended outcomes and promotes customer satisfaction.
Information and experience related to the standards is gathered on an ongoing basis. If a standard no longer reflects contemporary healthcare practice, commonly available technology, quality management practices, similar, it will be revised or deleted. It is currently anticipated that the standards will be revised and published approximately every 4 years.
Additionally, AACI offers the unique service of a virtually immediate response to any question involving our standards or their interpretation. It is our purpose to make flexibility possible for your unique needs and maintain an on-going compliance with ISQua, CMS, ISO, WHO, and other nationally and internationally recognized requirements. AACI is the only accreditation body to combine the leading edge of medical and administrative advancement and the constant evolution of the Medicare Conditions of Participation and WHO policy, with a quality business management system into a unified accreditation program.
We have merged clinical requirements with some of the most recognized management standards in
the world: ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 27001, and ISO 31000. But our standard reaches beyond that.
Requirements including Ethical Practices and Information Security System challenges that modern
healthcare organizations are facing today, are included in our accreditation portfolio. Specialty directed medical services with a unique scope of practice are covered by this standard 6.0 and any related nationally or internationally recognized standards which would logically support standard of care as noted above.
This introduction is designed to provide you with information on the following topics:
• Application
• The origin of the standards and how they are organized
• The international accreditation processes
• Guidelines how to use this set of standards

This AACI Standard relies on a management system approach. This implies that identifying, understanding, and managing the system of interrelated processes for quality and safety improves the healthcare organization’s effectiveness and efficiency. Reference to the Healthcare Organization Management System includes by default the integration of the Quality Management and the administrative components in a symbiosis of mutual responsibility and accountability. The following principles are applied in this standard:
• Governance
• Leadership
• Risk management
• Patient focused care
This AACI International Accreditation Standard relies on a management system approach and is based on the quality management principles described in ISO 9001:2015. The quality management principles are:
• Customer focus
• Leadership
• Engagement of people
• Process approach
• Improvement
• Evidence-based decision making
• Relationship management
The descriptions include a statement of each principle, a rationale of why the principle is important for the healthcare organization, some examples of benefits associated with the principle and examples of typical actions to improve the organization’s performance when applying the principle.
The PDCA (Plan–Do–Check–Act) principle can be applied to all processes in the Healthcare organization management system as a whole:
PLAN: establish the objectives and identify the risk and opportunities of the system, its processes, and the resources needed to deliver the intended results in accordance with significant interested party’s requirements and the healthcare organization’s scope of service
DO: implement and control planned processes
CHECK: monitor and measure appropriate processes in order to achieve the intended results
ACT: review the results and take actions to improve performance as necessary.
In addition, AACI is accredited to make certification awards according to the international standard for quality management systems, ISO 9001. In order to achieve ISO certification a healthcare organization shall demonstrate compliance with all criteria identified in the ISO 9001 standard.
Work carried out, as part of the implementation of ISO 9001 certification will therefore feed into the
AACI program. Likewise, working to implement these standards will help in the achievement of ISO 9001 certification (see STANDARD 4).
The AACI Standards have been designed so that they can be implemented in all healthcare services, settings, and locations. It also addresses general safety for workers, patients, and other visitors within healthcare organizations. This means that service providers can use the AACI Standards to continuously improve the quality and safety of their care by assessing and managing the performance of their services, and those provided on their behalf. 

This document is also based upon the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) Conditions of Participation for Hospitals 42 C.F.R § 482 and State Operations Manual Regulations and Interpretive Guidelines for Hospitals. This standard is periodically updated. When standard compliance is related to a laws and regulations, whichever sets the higher or stricter requirement applies.
Where any requirements of this standard cannot be applied due to the nature of the healthcare
organization and its processes, this can be considered for exclusion. Where exclusions are made, claims of conformity to this standard are not acceptable, unless such exclusions do not affect the healthcare organization’s ability or responsibility to control the manner required by this standard. Any claims of exclusion shall be detailed, and justification provided.
The requirements of these Standards are designed to support the development and continual
improvement of healthcare quality and patient safety in the healthcare providers. Standards promote responsibility and accountability for the quality and safety of services provided.
By incorporating national and international best available evidence, this Standard also promote healthcare that is up to date, effective and consistent. Importantly, Standard for healthcare provides a basis for planning and managing services and measuring improvements as well as identifying and addressing gaps and deterioration in the quality and safety of the services provided.
The document uses the terms "should" (recommendation), "may" (allowance) and "can" (possibility). Organizations wishing to implement this standard would be expected to consider
all recommendations where the term "should" is used.
The AACI set of Standards aim to give a shared voice to the expectations of the public, service users and service providers. They also provide a roadmap for improving the quality, safety, and reliability of healthcare.